Saturday, July 22, 2006


Is there any woman alive who did not play dress up as a child? What little girl did not have a large trunk of treasures to be rummaged through in search of the perfect combination of garments and accessories?

Oh, the grand delight to be found in sliding into an oversized dress and tugging it up high enough to be able to fasten a belt around our tiny waist to secure the excess fabric. This enabled us to be able to walk without tripping on the hem. Jewelry was a must. The best pieces were earrings that dangled. We would turn our head quickly from side to side to be able to feel the earrings slap at our flesh with each movement. There was the careful winding of long strands of pearls around our neck. Too many bracelets adorned our wrist. Metal ones would clang together. We loved that. A hat perched on our head in the perfect manner, so it would not slip down over our eyes. A giant purse was a necessity. We had important items we needed to stash inside a roomy purse.
But the single most crucial element was the shoes. And that meant stepping into some very high heels that belonged to Mommy. Three- and four-inch heels added enormous height to us. We would shuffle through rooms and up the stairs frantically trying to keep those high heels on our minuscule feet. Garbed in our spectacular attire, we paraded throughout the house taking care of "grown-up" duties.
Part of the fun in playing dress up was being seen by others. After all, wasn't it time we were recognized as being more mature than they thought we were? Dressed that way, we had found the magic that would enable others to view us the way we wanted to be seen. We were, for a time, elegant. Princesses whose size belied our perceived maturity.
::smile:: I remember very well the times I played dress up. My most favorite accessory was my mother's wedding shoes. I had to grab them quickly before my sisters snatched them. They were the prettiest shoes I had ever seen. Ivory satin with ankle straps and VERY high heels. With Daddy being more than a foot taller than my mother, she needed that height. I have always felt Mom was extremely sweet to allow us to play with those shoes. But, I would imagine it gave her warm and loving feelings seeing those particular shoes gracing the feet of her children.
Time passed, and we outgrew the desire to set aside time for dress up. It became a babyish activity, and we moved on to other interests. However, did we really outgrow it? Or did it remain unchanged to a large degree?
I love to dress up for different social events. To find the ideal dress, purse, stockings, undergarments, and jewelry. And don't I feel very much the way I did as a child playing dress up? Do I take a glance at myself fully put together and perhaps think I look a little magical that nite? The need to be recognized as an adult is gone, and it is replaced with just the urge to look the best I can to please the eyes of not only myself, but others around me.
Ah, but in private, do I not still play dress up also? ::wicked grin:: Of course I do. I adore lingerie. And I have virtually every color imaginable among the many styles I have amassed. It feels wonderful to be scantily clad in those "dress up" items. Far more glorious to be appreciated while wearing them.
It seems some of the little girl in a woman is always there.
"I married a German. Every night I dress up as Poland and he invades me." ~Bette Midler


Anonymous said...

Nikki these are two darlings love the picture... Helen

Anonymous said...

Adorable picture and an entry that brought back to many wonderful memories. Of all I loved while play Dress Up, it was a blue velvet dress. The texture was one I fell in love with; one I took all the way into adulthood. I have used velvet every change I got: to decorate our Anniversay table, to layer a basket full of goodies for my daughter, and to simply hold sometimes, when i am feeling sad. The feel of it upon my skin never fails to comfort me.
Hugs, & love too

Anonymous said...

you forgot the TEA PARTIES...that was the most important part of dressing up....getting ready to sit with your best stuffed bears at a little wooden table and drinking pretend tea....once in a while you got the real stuff if a grown up was in a good mood!!!!

Anonymous said...

I still play dress up with my daughter and I love it.  She keeps me young!


Anonymous said...

I adore this graphic and also get pleasure indulging in dressup. My Mom & my sis do too and sometimes we are all dressed up for just some family gathering! ;-) Sass