Monday, September 11, 2006


It was over the weekend that I began this watercolor painting. The photograph from which I worked is of an online friend of mine. Her body is perfection, and I hope I captured at least some of that beauty in this painting. (AOLers? I had to censor it for fear of receiving a TOS violation. The uncensored painting is shown on my "mirror" blog, which you can find HERE.) She has an equally beautiful face, and eyes that are full of life, intelligence, joy, and a sprinkling of mischief. She also has a man in her real-time world who is the embodiment of masculinity and all that is good in a human being.

Her name is Meg. Me with a g. I came to know her through her poetry. One poem in particular literally swept my breath from me, and I knew I had to find out more about her.
We have become friends. I learn from her, and I would like to think she learns from me. Her interests are wide and varied, and she fascinates me. I love to send her music. Sometimes I hit the mark, and she enjoys the songs. Most of them are sent for reasons that only she would know. They "fit" a person or situation. 
And so, with time, I have grown to know much about her. She is a very sensual woman, and that sensuality surrounds her like an aura, which is evident in her writings and looks. I finally asked if I could paint this picture of her. The shadows playing across her splendid body intrigued me, as did the artistic pose. I am heterosexual, but I certainly can and do recognize and appreciate beauty. I wanted to give a go at attempting to capture it with my watercolors. With her permission, I painted it, then I asked for permission to post it. She granted it. ::smile::
Thank you, Me with a g. It is my hope you are pleased with this rendering of you.
"The portrait is one of the most curious art forms. It demands special qualities in the artist, and an almost total kinship with the model." ~Henri Matisse


Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting. There is nothing to be ashamed of with the human body..look at the statue of David or any of the classic works.  You did a great job with this...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the songs on your Mirror Blog.

Anonymous said...

You are so freakin' talented!   This is stunning.   You captured her sensuality perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful.. and yes she does have a most splended body.  I am hetero also, but like you, I can appreciate the beauty and sensuality in those of my same sex.  I saw the 'uncensored' version on your other journal, and I must say that was some pretty provocative  music to go with that portrait! lol  


Anonymous said...

That painting took my breath away!!!!
