Saturday, September 2, 2006


I have gotten myself into a fine mess now. A literal mess. Here in my study. Why is it that in trying to restore some semblance of tidiness to a room, it must first look as though a tornado has had its way with the room? Maybe my A.D.D. tendencies in conjunction with my packrat trait have conspired to drive me into a panic.
What began as a simple, "I will rearrange the furniture in this room" has evolved into discovering paintings I have done and shrieking when I see how godawful they are. It was much nicer when they were crammed into portfolios or stashed behind desks (yes, I have two desks in here, as well as a drafting table and chair and an overstuffed chair, and cabinets. ::sigh::)
So, with the room torn apart, I stopped to fix one of the paintings that has always bothered me. I knew the distant hills were wrong, wrong, wrong. Watercolors are about the least forgiving medium in which to work, and that added to my frustration. I do think I corrected those hills, though. Now, I look at it and think I should have done the water along the shoreline differently. It should not be in such a straight line. Should it? Yet, the waves are going horizontally, not rushing onto the shore. Still, I am pretty sure there should be some variation in the line. Ugh. I am not sure I can fix that. I will try. (Top painting is the "corrected" one, bottom painting is the former one.)
And should I really even be diving into painting when I still have "things" strewn all over the room? Wouldn't it be better to finish putting everything into place first and THEN retrieving old paintings to alter more to my liking?
Eh, I have never taken the easy and most frequently traveled path. Looks like I will be painting today. ::smile:: But when I DO get to sorting through these piles of papers and objects, I am going to be ruthless. Sentimentalism is going to be squashed, and I am throwing or giving away a lot. I think. God, I hope.
"His study was a total mess, like the results of an explosion in a public library." ~Douglas Adams


Anonymous said...

This happens to me all the time when I try to reorganize.  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I can't help much here...I am NOT talented (as you obviously are!) in this area.   You are amazing...


Anonymous said...

Hi, came by way of a link left on Jackies journal...Hope Floats.  I think we all have a room, be it a study or den, that collects papers and such.  The paintings are just are very talented.  Hope the room was rearranged the way you like...take care, have  a wonderful holiday weekend...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I admire your talent Nikki.  I was so caught in the moment of gazing at the couple and imagining what they had done or were about to do that I didn't even see the surrounding scenery  :)


Anonymous said...

I swear at times we think exactly alike...this labor day weekend since Ny was hit with the remnants of the hurricane I seem to have also tossed my sentimental ways out the window and cleaned out closets and cabinets in a feverish frenzy...must be that time of year.
Your work is beautiful Nikki, thank you for sharing it

Anonymous said...

I love that painting.  Goodness woman your talent is amazing.
