Saturday, August 4, 2007


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It has been far too long since I have written in this journal. I think I have had too much to say about many subjects, and I elected to remain quiet. Not that all is good or bad in my just "is."

The puppy continues to grow, but she is still a cuddly thing. We had a name battle at the beginning. I disliked the name my daughter chose. Yes, it is her dog...but yours truly spends a lot of time around it. I wanted a name I liked. After maybe five or six different tries (yes, the vet said it was okay to change her name, since she was still very young), we finally settled on one we all like. Sierra. And the name suits her well.
My sister was taken to the emergency room with what the neurologists thought was a brain aneurysm. They saw it on the CT and MRI films. It was an ugly time for her...and all of the rest of us. We suffered horrendous flashbacks, and some seemingly forgotten memories of Daddy's brain aneurysm rupture resurfaced. After a particular procedure was performed on her, it was discovered that the aneurysm was really just a collection of blood vessels that is somewhat of an anomaly. No aneurysm. We sent up many prayers of thanks. She is doing fine. Now to bury those horrid memories...

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I have been painting a bit. I hope I will always have that to turn to. Good or bad results, I still like how I feel when I am fiddling around with paints or pastels.

Mom is doing okay. I need to accept that there are just some things that are never going to be the way they were. More doctor visits. More aches and pains. She is mentally extremely sharp, and a delight to be with. We girls go to lunch with her every week or two. I try to call her each day just to blab and check to make sure all is well.

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There is a spectacular 121-acre garden/park nearby. One of my sisters and I spent a Saturday there with cameras in hand. A woodcarver had an exhibit at that time. The theme was BIG BUGS! And big bugs they were! Made entirely out of wood. Those along with the beauty that can always be found at the garden made it a grand day.

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That is about all I care to discuss at the moment. Suffice it to say that I am continuing to explore and learn. That thrills me.

Have I mentioned how much I love my family and friends? No. Hmmm. I need to fix that. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU.
My wishes for happiness in your worlds!
Run your fingers through my soul~


Anonymous said...

Gald you sister is ok, I bet that was a scare. I'll keep your mom in my prayers.

I like the wood carving, but spiders aren't my thing. I can't imagine how many hours that man must have taken to finish just one wood sculpture. It's nice that you had time at the park.

Cute pup and Sierra seems like a very fine name.
Have a good evening and rest of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I, too, only write ocassionally when something moves me. Your paintings are really good, you have a lot of talent. I've always loved your name Bedazzled, I started a small jewelry company and I named it your creativity made me think too....toodles...Sandi

Anonymous said...

I haven't written anything in about a month...  I have tons to say, but just don't know where to start... so.. I just don't write.  

I'm glad your sister is doing okay.  Brain aneurysms are very scary!  Thank God it did not turn out to be that!


Anonymous said...

Nikki it was nice to see and read your words.  I've been 'off' for about a month myself and it took me a bit to get back into the swing of my journal.  Often times I think, 'why bother?' and then I remember my journal friends and the very unusual relationships we've developed.  I just can't stay away for too long.  

So glad to know your sister is okay and that you are continuing the thrill of learning about yourself.  I think I shall never fully understand me.

Anonymous said...

I like "Sierra" too, sounds warm and friendly.  Thank God for sister's close call, I can imagine all the memories of your Father's trial.  Yet it all happens for a reason - and speaking of which, what reason can you give for not displaying more of your incredible paintings??  You're GOOD!  Kind of a Monet style of impressionism.  Yes, learning is thrilling, thankfully it never stops.  xo CATHY