Friday, December 9, 2005


The wench whose feelings are very real, Maryanne, tagged me. I did not see it coming. She did not tell me ahead of time we were playing tag. She waited until AFTER the fact to let me know the game was on. I cannot let her tag me last! I have to play along or else be considered a spoilsport. Not gonna happen! It is a damn good thing I adore her, too, or I might not be so pleasant about this. ::grin::

The stealth game of tag began late last nite. She wrote a journal entry that lists ten "things" that make her happy. She has some gorgeous photos in her blog. Do take a peek. Then she tagged five others to write an entry stating their ten happy-inducing things...followed by the tagging of five additional bloggers. Alrighty. Here are my ten and my five:

1.    Anything regarding my family makes me happy. Their looks, their actions, their smiles, their laughter, their love. I could devour my children. Just suck their cheeks right off their faces. I already do devour hubby. (Ack, that sounds kind of cannibalistic...but he loves it. ::wink::) Include my mother and my sisters and brothers-in-law and nieces and nephews in the word "family" and I am one blessed woman. And to think they ALL love me till the end of time is sheer bliss. *Hubby will not allow his picture to be in this journal, or I would be posting our family portrait. He does not want to be on the Internet. ::sigh::*


2.    My home makes me deliriously happy. I positively love it. It suits me. It "matches" me. And I feel safe and comfortable in it. I love how it wraps itself around me when I need it, and it leaves me be when I need that. My dining room is filled with furniture from my grandmother and one piece from my late mother-in-law.


3.    Smoooooches and hugs thrill me to pieces. I am a very touchy-feely kind of person. I give them, and I tingle getting them. To be the recipient of both is grand.


4.    Taking those smooches and hugs a bit further...SEX makes me orgasmically happy. Uh huh. It does. And the more the better. The more ways, the more places, and the more creative make it the best. My one and only hubby gets to explore alllllll of those things with me. Ooo-la-la. I love a man who is into discovery.


5.    SNOW makes me happy. It snowed last nite. All nite long. It was gorgeous. It came down heavy at times, and it was a whirlwind of white. It is breathtaking. I took a picture of it, but I had to use the hubster's digital camera (the batteries were dead in mine...what can I say? I use electric toys.) I am unfamiliar with how it works, so I could not alter the settings~like the date being stuck on 1-01-02 at 12:01 a.m.. Why is it on THAT date and time? Anywhooo, here is a pic of the bench on our back patio.


6.    Our poochie is a definite happiness inducer. She has her health woes, to be sure. Diabetic, blind, and getting up there in age has taken a bit of a toll on her; however, she never ceases to make me smile when she pals around with me. Her tail still wags when I talk to her, she likes to be near me. She greets everyone with a cheerful bark and expects to be petted...which then drops her to the floor on her back with her legs spread. Geez, she looks so cheap when she does that. But, she is still our baby. This photo is from this morning, too.


7.    A blazing fireplace brings me a contented happiness. I find it relaxing and it warms my senses as well as my body. I had ours going all day today, so I photographed it.


8.    My friends make me gloriously happy. They are an endless source of laughter. I like to think I supply them with the same. More importantly, they are good souls who share their wisdom and pieces of themselves with me.


9.    I am very happy when I am creating things. Anything. Whether with my words, my ideas, the stroke of a paintbrush, the planting of seeds in my garden, or the combination of my mind telling my fingers what to cut, glue, and assemble, I feel immense joy. These are daisies I planted in my back flower bed a few years ago.


10.    Music. It lives inside me. It soothes me when I need it, it encourages me to cry if that is what I need, and it takes me to a faraway place when that is necessary. Oh, and it makes me shake my groove thang at the right times. ::laugh::


Time to TAG. I have not had the chance to peruse the journals to see who has or has not been tagged. If you have already been nailed, then consider yourself tagged again. If that is the case, then change it to TEN THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRANKY! Otherwise, I EXPECT (yes, dammit, EXPECT) to see TEN THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY. Please link your entries in here. I want to read them. ::kisses to all::

DERASTA~gotcha! Please give us your ten happy things!

LORD OF BUTTER~I'll be waiting to see your ten cranky things (and I know you will include the game of online tag as one of them)!

SASSY~tag! You're one of the "its"!

TILLY~oops, I tackled you! Share your ten happy things, please!, I mean TAG!

"Some pursue happiness; others create it."


Anonymous said...

Oh what a fabulously Happy Entry!   Reading it made ME happy!   Marc :)

Anonymous said...

you, my dear are a sweet heart and i feel so lucky to call you "friend"....each one of your entrys is special and unique...i love reading them!!!....thanks for sharing all of your thoughts and experiences for everyone to read and enjoy....

i have added my 10 favorite things in my journal entry today but i didnt go into as much artistic and wonderful detail as you have...

Anonymous said...

You can visit MARC's journal to see his ten happy things at:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki,

You are so much like me it is amazing! We even shared many of the same happy things !

I love your doggy and your home, and it is exactly how I pictured it:)  You certainly have the same taste as I do, and that beautiful old world charm that you have in your home and that I had in my last home is totally missing from my life now, so that's been hard for me this past year. Mostly, I loved the picture of your smiling face with your friend! What a beautiful smile that you have- it invites you straight into your big bubbly heart:)

Your creativity is incredible- from your writing to your beautiful artwork and your glorious tags! I still can't find the nerve to post the picture of my lighthouse after seeing yours!

Damn you wench! You are oozing charm and talent and love! You deserve to be blessed!

And I see you have tagged my good old buddy Marc. I am so pissed at him that I wouldn't go see his 10 happy things if he paid me a zillion bucks! I've pimped him, I've commented in his journal every single entry for months. Even sent out an email to his Online buddies at his request to let them know his feelings about the great exodus when his computer was down after the hurricane.

But he has not shown his face anywhere near my journals in months! This after spoiling me and lavishing me with the loveliest comments in the universe. It's tough to be TOS'd! So....I have decided that he doesn't like me because I'm a Democrat and liberal. Well you and I get along perfectly beautifully even though you told me that you'd love to have sex with Dubya! So WTF is his problem?

There I'm done ranting about Marc, that's my rant for the day, LOL!

Anyhoo....You have a gorgeously slutty weekend , you adorable lil ole HO!

Big wet smooches,

Anonymous said...

Your ten happy things are lovely. Ten cranky things eh? Not. A. Problem.

Anonymous said...


I've come to really look forward to your entries.

The pictures here are gorgeous and as always I love everything you have to say. Sounds like you're getting mighty large portions of happiness - in all departments!!

Thanks for the tag, I'll be back.

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Geeeeez, the men are lazy about putting their links in here. Lord Of Butter has his list of things that make him CRANKY (he had already done the happy stuff). You can read them at:

Anonymous said...

I finally did it! Happy lists are a good idea! ;-)))))) Sassy