Tuesday, December 27, 2005



Oh, this game of life on AOL. I have been tagged by Sie at Persnickety Pfft! These are the rules of the game: The first player chose a topic. In this case, the topic is FIVE WEIRD HABITS OF YOURS. You must then write a journal entry listing those weirdnesses you possess~as well as the rules of the game. Then, you select FIVE PEOPLE TO TAG and link their names/blogs in your entry. Go to their journals and leave a comment informing them they have been tagged by you and to read your journal to see in what way they have been nailed! Those five then MUST (note that I insist upon it!) write an entry listing their weird habits and tag an additional five people. I am not going to be nice if you do not play along! And because I am such a good sport, I will play the game.

5 weird habits of mine. Hmm.

1. I touch people's hair. Uh huh. Obviously not a stranger's hair; only those who I know well. Sometimes it is to "fix" it so that it looks perfect. Other times it is just because it feels good to run my fingers through it. My nieces have always had me French braid and/or cut theirs. In fact, for years I cut my father's hair~at his request, because he was absolutely fastidious about how his hair was trimmed.

2. The top sheet on the bed MUST be put on pattern-side down, and then the upper edge folded back precisely. And, yes, I am anal about having the sheet and blanket tucked in at the foot of the bed using the "hospital corners" technique.

3. I rub my feet together before I go to sleep (it makes a cute chirping sound...::grin::). My left foot remains still while the underside of my right foot rubs the top of my left foot.

4. I will not drive anywhere without having some sort of beverage in the car. My beverage of choice is Coke or ice water.

5. I straighten crooked pictures on walls. Wherever I may be...offices, homes, etc. It drives me nuts to see a painting that is off-kilter. That weird habit is the reason I fell off a bed at a New Year's Eve party last year. Geez, that was embarrassing.

My turn to tag! Let me ponder. Hmmm. I think I will tag:

CHRIS at It's All About Me

CHRISTINA at My Journey With MS

GABREAEL at Gabreael's Body, Mind, & Spirit

REDSNEAKZ at Separation Anxiety

V at To Grow Is To Be Anxious

Okay, you weirdos...have at it!

  "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle      


Anonymous said...

I just don't do entries like that! but it is so easy to come up with 5-  1)I like clothes dryed outside, yeah like even in 2 degrees. They are real stiff then, but nicer.  2)I keep windows open in 2 degrees, too. I always need a window open. 3)I constantly throw out things 'i will never need',& then immediately need them.  4)I usually buy the things I eat on the day I eat them-no two carriage girl here. Right now I have a can of chicken broth & some chocolate in the house.That's it.
5)If I wake up in the middle of the night, I sometimes clean or straighten drawers, for like a realllllllly lonnnnnng timmmmme.

Anonymous said...

Wow..we would have some time getting along with each other.....I have this weid habit of giving picture frames a nudge so they are angled......I tend to undo hospital corners.....and by morning the patterns on the sheets are reversed...run your fingers through my hair...how sensual!.......I just wonder what your really weird habits are! LOL...Marc :)

Anonymous said...

LMHO at  anal hospital corners & hair touching. I have both of those 2! :-)))) Sass

Anonymous said...

You were on a bed... during a New Years Party?   Ohhhh now THAT sounds like a good story!  lol.   ~Sie  

Anonymous said...

These *little* things about people always make me smile; putting instant images in my mind.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you on the "beverage in the car" routine. I never thought I could get crazy about something, but I found my compulsion!


Anonymous said...

I'm the same way with having a drink with me in the car..it's nearly always a bottle of water....