Tuesday, April 18, 2006




If you think about it, Wednesdays get a bad rap. First, there is the "Wednesday's child is full of woe" saying for those unfortunate enough to be born on that day of the week. Then, to the work force, Wednesday is known as "hump day." Like if you can just make it through a Wednesday, the weekend is close at hand. Neither one of those is particularly an upbeat thought.

Of course, I like to think we could switch the meaning of HUMP DAY to something far more pleasurable. ::wicked grin:: But, alas, I best not go into the details here.
Sooooo, I painted a couple of pictures recently. Yes, I am still putzing around trying new things with watercolors. During March Madness, I got so wound up watching the extremely close games that I needed to have some outlet for the tightness I felt. (I get so into the games!) I sat in front of the television while a game was being played and whipped off a sketch of a woman. After I got the sketch roughly drawn, I painted her in watercolors. Oh, the entire painting is only 3" x 5". I am still in miniature mode, I guess. Do I even know who the heck the chick is? Nope. But, I want to look like her! LOL! I was attempting to depict a provocative woman. Even I will admit that she has some great cleavage going on in the painting. ::grin::
Along came April, the basketball games were over, and spring had sprung. I got all mushy with the colors creeping into the landscape throughout my city, and I decided to paint a picture with flowers in it. So, picture #2 is the result of those feelings. It, too, is only 3" x 5". I think I like painting tiny pictures.
Now, I am going to attempt to paint using acrylics. I have all the supplies thanks to my sister who bought them for me for Christmas. We shall see how I do with that medium. I have no idea what the subject matter will be. Probably whatever pops into my mind after I lay out the canvas and supplies. Wish me luck, please. I think I will need it. ::smile::
AND today is my daughter's birthday! Yay for her! She is a jewel with a smile that is the kiss of sunshine. April certainly is a big month for my family. Both kids' birthdays and my wedding anniversary and Easter (usually) occur during April. Geez. It makes me not want to shop for the rest of the year.
If you believe that last sentence, you do not know me at all. ::chuckle::
Happy hump day to you!
"Many years ago in a period commonly known as Next Friday Afternoon, there lived a King who was very gloomy on Tuesday mornings because he was so sad thinking about how unhappy he had been on Monday and how completely mournful he would be on Wednesday." ~Unknown


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your daughter, and happy Hump Day to you, too!


Anonymous said...

Only you can make the traditional "hump day" something special my dear friend.  A very happy and blessed birthday to your jewel of a child, and only the most beautiful wishes for all of you there during this special month.
Much hugs for you,

Anonymous said...

OOO!  Why can't we all look that good?  Dammit I wish I could do that!  You know though...her breasts...there is NO WAY they're real...LOL...too proportional...gotta be fakes.  WHAT?!  They do! LOLOL ;)  I REALLY love the second one...what would you consider selling that one for?  Hmmmm?  Big ol freakin smooches and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY hug to your lucky girl...that apple is nestled right under that tree I bet.    ::::Sigh:::: (N-ism)...gotta love da hump...hehe ;)  C.  http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies

Anonymous said...

Your saying at the end of the entry reminds me of a pessimestic friend I have who says she thinks negative because that way if something happens bad, then she was right and if something happens good, then she is glad she was wrong.  LOL
I really liked your paintings, especially the flowers under the window.  It looks so homey and spring-like.  Makes me picture a cottage and garden.   -Margo

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Wednesday was the cool day of the week.  There are no pressures to "go out" like Friday, no mandatory "things to do" for Saturday, no ominous "tomorrow" like Sunday, no befuddled world to navigate like Monday.  Wednesday is just cruising along casually, in the swing but not pulling a hamstring or screwing up the system.  Wednesday is cool with going out to an early dinner or something and since it is midweek there are smaller crowds out and about on Wednesday.  Wednesday is reliable and dependable, bad stuff doesn't seem to happen on Wednesday.

Wednesday also has that cool "n" in it that no one pronounces and some don't even know about.  Its like a secret room that makes it mysterious.

Tuesday and Thursday just sort of act as buffers to keep Wednesday clear of the hassles of Monday and Friday so they are pretty handy to have but Wednesday knows how to spend 24 hours better than all the others in my book.

I loved the Warhol quote earlier too.  How very incisive Andy was, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday's never mattered much to me... but I sure do love Fridays! lol

You're paintings are beautiful.  What talent you have!  I can't draw anything.. well... maybe a card or two.. lol


Anonymous said...

I'm a Wednesday's child. LOL

Your watercolors are lovely.  I think going small might be the key...will get back to you on that. LOLL  I'm here via celeste.
