Tuesday, October 10, 2006


It is on a seemingly constant basis that I must remind myself to take small steps. I tend to want to run, run, runnnnn in an effort to keep pace with my mind and its rapid-fire ideas and thoughts. And when I run that fast, I am bound to stumble and fall...and fail.
In all areas of my life, I throw myself into whatever I am doing. What I do not always take into consideration is that there are times when I am not particularly prepared to tackle the task at hand. Maybe I am setting myself up to fail. Who knows?
I am not an artist. I pretend to be one. I like how I feel while I am painting. I like music playing in the background while I wield my brushes and paints. And I try to run. Fast like the wind. Sometimes I am lucky, and I create a painting that pleases me a great deal. Other times, I shake my head and file the painting inside my giant "WTF is this" folder.
I sprinted into acrylics painting after having taken watercolor classes. Surely I could handle that medium, even though they are two VASTLY different ones. Never mind that I have not attended any classes or workshops to learn how to use acrylics. Eh, I never was all that great paying attention in classes anyway. I blindly ran with the thick paint and canvas~neither of which is used for watercolors.
I realize now I do need to get some sort of acrylics paint instruction. Preferably a one-day workshop. It did not take me too long to determine that while I was working on this swan painting. Surprisingly, the picture is just 4" x 5", but more time-consuming than I have spent on larger paintings...be they pastels, acrylics, or watercolors. Maybe it is because smaller ones are more tedious.
Although I got frustrated painting this, I still got pleasure from it. Odd, isn't it? And I do like it. I just do not love it. I call it Serenity. Mmhmm. Swans bring to mind a beautiful gracefulness, and a secluded pond with lush foliage and sprinklings of blossoms is my idea of pure serenity. A place I would like to be.
Sometimes I take photos of a painting as it progresses. I did that with this one. A record of baby steps to remind me that I must not always run.  
"Life is a series of steps. Things are done gradually. Once in a while there is a giant step, but most of the time we are taking small, seemingly insignificant steps on the stairway of life." ~Ralph Ransom


Anonymous said...

Yes...baby steps from "What about Bob".    They are essential.   One thing I need to mention is that you are indeed, and artist my friend.   You can want to strive to be more and better...but that's just how it should always be in my opinion.   You are gifted and hopefully can appreciate your talent as much as others can.   And if it makes you feel good...what can be bad?   (The swan is beautiful....)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, does your talent have an end????


Anonymous said...

You are an Artist To Me. I have 13 steps to my second floor. I tend to take them 3 at a time   I fall   I get back up   Big deal
;'] ~ Mary

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the white swan, it's beautiful.  Of course you have talent, every artist that paints, draws, writes, or does poems always feels like what they are doing is not worth anything...it goes with the territory. It's also another reason why the applause sounds so sweet when you get it...LOL....Sandi http://journals.aol.com/sdoscher458/LifeIsFullOfSurprises

Anonymous said...

I know you are so hard on yourself when you paint, but that is really quite beautiful!  It's like looking in the mirror.  You see imperfections that others do not..

I love the painting.. thank you for sharing it!


Anonymous said...

I really have a true admiration for a painter.  Within you is the ability to create something from nothing, molding it to represent your visions.  Keep with the baby steps method.  I have found, at least in photography, that the process by which the picture is made is just as rewarding as the final product.  Enjoy your time creating, this is the only time the art will truely be only yours.  When the work is finished, it will become something for others to behold and share.  


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the swan? It's beautiful, well done!


Anonymous said...

You have beautiful hands....the hands of an artist and the heart of a warrior....Im so glad I am getting to know you!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are well my friend.  
These tiny insignificant steps you speak of are truly meaningful in the scheme of things, and most times we have to take a few steps back before growing further.
I miss you