Sunday, October 1, 2006


My muse appears to have run off with Dot (see Yo-Yo entry regarding her); both leaving me in the lurch. With their absences, I am reduced to a quiet woman without a creative bone in her body. My paintings reflect it, and my unusual semi-silence on the keyboard is further proof of it.
Also, I am very far behind reading the journals of others, and I feel terrible about it. I cannot seem to get in a good block of time so I can catch up on the words of those people for whom I have great admiration and respect.
I do not recall ever taking a break from blogging, except when I have gone out of town. I do believe the time is right for me to step away from this blog. It is pointless to write merely to fulfill some self-imposed rule that I post entries at least two to three times a week. I see no sense in that. I will, however, continue to enter my weekly posts for the Self-Portrait Challenge on my blogspot journal, unless my lack of creativity makes that an impossibility, too.
Perhaps if I no longer have my own journal to tend to, I will be able to make the rounds to those wonderful blogs and read what is going on in those worlds. I would like that very much. There is truly something about the people whose journals are saved in my favorites that makes me feel balanced. I gain new insights and perspectives, which I believe is a vital part of life...looking at everything through the eyes of others. Be it in my real world or this virtual one.
I also need to work through some things, and I am hopeful I can do just that within a short period of time. I could be back to posting regularly in a week or a month. We shall see.
Finding myself in a museless place is not where I was meant to be. And I have no intention of staying there for a long time.
Be well.


Anonymous said...

I can understand taking a break. After my best friend's health scare (he flat lined twice on us) it has changed me in ways I can't understand right now. I need a break to get my emotions back in check as this last week has been emotional overload. Tawnya

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip back to Muse-land

Anonymous said...

I can relate.  I switched sign-ins and journal names awhile back and have yet to find my voice @ the new place.  :(  I don't post unless I have something to say, which isn't often.

Anonymous said...

I never force myself to write, unless I want to.  Usually if I leave one entry a week, I'm doing good.  Two is pushing it. lol   Usually it's because my muse is off doing something else, most of the time, and I fear if I wrote every day I would bore the socks off my readers! lol  I often wonder how people find so many things in their day to day life to talk about, everyday, and sometimes 3 times or more a day.  Amazes me! lol  Guess they have several muses, eh? lol

Do what you need to do, Nikki...  I will keep you on alert, until......forever...

Big hugs

Anonymous said...

It's the journalers who post only when their hearts tell them to that I admire and am touched by most.  One should never feel forced to write.  Not by themselves or anyone else.  When the time is right, you will find your muse once again.  It will always dwell within you, just waiting for an open window.

Anonymous said...

I respect what you are doing for yourself...for others.   It's a bit sad though.
I don't think I have the link to your other blog, if you care to share it with me.
Do stay in touch...and let me know if you'd like to chat.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you decided to make my little journal a stop on your blog tour.  I'm sorry you have lost the muse, but I am sure it is only for a little while.  As a photographer, I too have lost my inspiration at times.  The reward for putting up with no creativity is that when it comes back, it does so with a thunder.  I have started to welcome periods of creative down time.  I know that it is just that portion of my brain working on the next evolution.  Don't force it, it will come back on its own.
