Sunday, October 8, 2006


...ZERO! Yep, this entry is about nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I had forgotten that I never got around to completing my alphabetical entries, having left off at Y. Now, I am finished with that whole concept. Go me!

I just might be posting a regular entry soon. Okaaaaaaay, Mary? ::smooch:: As long as you expect nothing profound, I can oblige you. My muse is still in absentia, but it is taunting me by giving me fleeting glimpses of it before it runs off again. Pffft.

"The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale." ~Arthur C. Clarke


Anonymous said...

For someone with no muse, you are amazingly creative coming up with something to write about starting from A to Z.  Not so easy to do, I would think..


Anonymous said...

I missed A through Y, could you do it again....Kidding....Kidding.  Bet it feels good to be done with an undertaking like that.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the beginning of a Seinfeld episode!  lol


Anonymous said...

The way you ended your A - Z entries was even creative!  I like that about you... your creativity comes out when you don't even mean for it to!  At least you made it all the way through.  As you've reached the end of this particular meme it seems appropriate that you are ready for a break!  Take care!

Anonymous said...

My zero adjust is slightly off, but it adds a bit of weight! My need for your entries is still intact.Yes, need. This is not a luxury item.I must have entries. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I happen to like your entries too!!  Mary has good taste in  journals!!!
