Thursday, November 2, 2006


''You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.''
~Senator John Kerry

He called it "a botched joke." Yeah, right. He scrambled, as well he should have to cover that ketchup covered mouth of his. At first he proclaimed that it was merely a jab at President Bush that he had messed up. The written "joke" was apparently quite a lengthy one. I read the entire joke as it was originally written. It was posted in the news. He left out not only one word or two. No, he left out more than an entire sentence. A good bit more.

Now, oddly enough, his claim is he only left out the word "us." Uh huh. The spin doctors (Kerry's aides) have said he was supposed to say, " get US stuck in Iraq." How curious that his original claim was that the joke was longer, but he messed it up. And suddenly now it was just a one-word blooper. Pfffft.


The troops deserve better than that. Far better. And apparently the group of military men pictured above made sure everyone knew how they felt about Kerry's little joke in what is a brilliant "biting" photograph. Bravo!

The only joke in this particular mess is John Kerry. And not even a funny one.


Anonymous said...

I love that pic!!!!! Way to go!!!! You are so right..... That was a horrible thing....Tawnya

Anonymous said...

He really blew it on that one... shame on him.


Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I am tired of all sides talking about Iraq. Everyone makes it sound so EASY. That is unless they want to make it sound HARD. It is such an emotion player. So unfair.
The reality should be treated just a bit more sacred. ~ Mary

Anonymous said...

That picture sure has made the rounds.  It was getting passed around my lineup this morning before we headed out to work.  Very funny stuff.


Anonymous said...

LOL, gotta love the Internet, and the speed with which it allows news to travel. These guys are the best, lol.

Hey, Republican or Democrat, no one is going to be able to put a positive spin on that one. And can't hide behind the old "my comments were taken out of context" cop-out.

Stupid is as stupid does. Believe me, I know.


Anonymous said...

He's trying to back track now but the damage is done...great graphic by the way.
