In numerous journals I read regularly, the authors have been experiencing some especially difficult times. Their hearts are heavy, and their worries are numerous. Good people, painful situations.
There is little I can do to help them except offer my ear, words of encouragement, and prayers. I thought maybe it was time to bring out one of my goofier past entries with the hope I can bring a smile to their lips, at least for a moment, if they should read this repost.
Friday, December 17, 2004
4:56:00 AM EST
Feeling Loopy
Hearing Lost In The Crowd~Shinedown
The "Tinkle" Episode
This sucks. I fell asleep at 11:15 p.m. and woke at about 2:30 a.m. unable to go back to sleep. ::sigh:: So, I thought I might as well write my journal entry. God only knows how screwed up it will be with me being semi-alert.
Ah, I did say I would write about my preschool tinkle episode. Heh. I have quite a few memories from my childhood. Let me preface this story with a description of me as a little kid. I was as cute as a button. ::wondering why my cuteness did not stick around as I aged:: I was also a pretty wild child. My three sisters and I behaved perfectly at any function or event we were required to attend as a family. Mom and Dad always said they could take us anywhere, and we always behaved and were often complimented on our unusually good behavior. Now, get me away from the family and on my own...and let's just say I did some goofy things that were not "proper."
Okay, I was stuck having to go to a preschool when I was four. Mom and Dad were concerned because there were no neighborhood kids my exact age. Each of my sisters had others to play with who were age-appropriate playmates. None for me. The solution to the problem was to attend preschool. My teacher's name was Mrs. Hague. I called her Mrs. Egg or Mrs. Egghead (not TO her but to my parents). I didn't much like her. She was pretty old and stern.
One day after we had outdoor recess, we went back into the classroom. I had to tinkle big time. I asked Mrs. Egghead if I could please go to the bathroom. She told me NO...that another child was using the bathroom, and I had to wait. I told her I had to go really bad, and she told me the rules were only one child at a time. (Now mind you, this preschool was in a church where there were separate bathrooms for boys and girls. And it was a boy who was already using the one. I could not see any reason why I could not go, since he was in the boy's bathroom.) I was feeling pretty frantic not being sure I could hold it back much longer. Yes, I remember reaching down and actually holding myself.
Finally, I got the green light from the teacher to go on down the hall to the potty. God, I took off like a bat out of hell and ran down that hall.................all the while tinkling in my panties. ::hanging my head:: Yep, I accidentally opened the flood gates and was unable to hold back any longer. By the time I reached the bathroom, there was no reason to even sit on the potty, since I had already expelled all I had in me. Now what to do? I stood in that bathroom by myself (there were three stalls...all of which were empty) with positively drenched panties trying to think of how in the world I could return to class. There weren't any of those hand dryers that are so common now...that would have been a huge help.
Then I had my brilliant idea. I would just take off my panties and throw them away. After all, I was wearing a skirt, and it wasn't wet. Yay for me! I dragged those disgustingly wet panties off and tossed them in the trash can. I happily returned to class certain no one would be the wiser. Oops. I got back just in time for our daily nap portion of the day. We were instructed to get our little rugs and spread them out on the floor. I was close to the panic point. How could I possibly rest on the floor knowing that my bare butt would be seen?
I froze...I simply stood in one spot and watched all my little classmates bustling around gathering up their rugs and settling down to take a snooze. Mrs. Egghead told me to get my rug. I said NO. She told me again. I said NO. She told me I HAD TO. I said NO. She said if I didn't, I would get punished. I didn't say anything to her when she said that...but I also didn't budge from my spot. She was getting increasingly frustrated with me. All the other little nappers were in place and sprawled on the floor. She finally said she had no choice but to punish me.
My punishment? I had to sit on a chair while the kids napped, and I was not allowed to look at picture books or color. All I could do was sit. ::blink:: That was a punishment? That was a gift from God! I could sit there and my lil bare butt would go unnoticed by everyone. Yahoo! And that is exactly what I happily did for the entire nap time. I sat on a chair watching the other kids.
After the naps, we sat at tables and colored, then the day was over. Mom came and picked me up. I had made it! No one knew I had had an "accident." I was feeling pretty darn smug. Until..........
Mom got a phone call from Mrs. Egg. Apparently the janitor found my panties in the trash can (the perv probably kept 'em) and assumed they were someone's from the preschool. He reported his find to my teacher who put two and two together and realized that was probably the reason for my defiant behavior. Yikes...busted! I didn't get in any trouble from Mom or Dad. Mom thought I should have told Mrs. Egg, though, so she could have been called to bring me a new pair of panties. She told me I could not just go around throwing away my clothing. ::shrug::
That's probably one of my earliest memories. I am chuckling right now. Today it would be kind of a turn on to go without panties and see if anyone noticed. ::laughingggg::
Today's quote (note who said it!):
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." ~Socrates
Cute entry and it did bring a smile to my face. I had somewhat of a similar experience and I may put that on my journal. Thanks.
funny story but be so happy they did NOT have those handy blowers to dry your hands in the time i sat on the toilet putting on my panty hose only to discover i had sat in drips from the shower on the toilet and got my panties wet...being in a rush i decided to dry the panties with a hair dryer...please do NOT ever try this....i melted the nylon right to my skin and burned three holes in my panties under my nylons lol....
LOVE this entry! Too funny! And, IS. Hehe ;) C.
LOL thank you for starting a dreaded Monday with a giggle Nikki!
My lil one did almost exactly the same thing years back, and I still make her laugh about it from time to time.
What a gem you are. A perfect entry for us all, since laughter is good for the soul. Thanks hon,
LOL, this was a memory-waker...I didn't have the luxury of a skirt (then LOL) just a soggy pair of wet pants to stand in the room and try to hide! No such luck...
Thanks for a funny story!
LUCKY YOU!!!! You were so lucky that the teacher did not decide to allow the class to play "Musical chairs" that afternoon!!
....about that wild side you elude....perhaps this was the beginning ... :)
Loved the photo! Soo Cute! Marc :)
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