Alas, a gentle nudge from Mary prompted me to post an entry in my journal. While I probably have nothing that is of particular interest to anyone, I did begin this blog for the purpose of documenting my days, thoughts, activities, and memories. Abandoning it was never my intention.
I am still reeling and deeply saddened from the passing of my friend Patrick. 39 years of age and succumbing to cancer, leaving behind a wife and an 11-month old, a three-year-old, and an eight-year-old, just does not fit into the way I think life should be.
As always, I continue to paint. I keep telling myself that one of these days I will create a painting that is of significance. It has yet to happen, but the joy I get from the effort and experimentation is worth it to me. These are the latest paintings I have done.
The two canvases on easels are quite tiny. They measure five inches from the bottom of the easel to the very top. The canvases are only 2" x 2"! I made them as Christmas tree ornaments for my children, as I do each year. The roses painting is for my son who loves roses, and the floral landscape is for my daughter~
Seahorses enchant me. They always have. They mate for life. AND the male carries the offspring. This is called "Sea Grace"~
Mermaids also intrigue me. What must they be thinking? Titled "Land's Allure"~
This one was a very different technique for me. I attended a one-day workshop to learn the basics of painting watercolors on gesso-prepared paper. The sky actually has purples in it, too, but the camera refused to capture them. I am eager to try this technique again after the holidays. Named "Forgotten"~
I painted the following for my niece who requested it as her Christmas gift. I practically went blind painting it! Too many details and windows. It is of the Don CeSar Beach Resort in Florida (also known as The Pink Palace)...her favorite place to vacation. Aptly titled "Don CeSar Beach Resort, Florida"~
This was a birthday gift for a beloved artist friend of mine. I painted it from a photograph of him working on a painting. So, the painting within the painting is one of his (although his is magnificent). Named "The Master's Touch"~
There have been a few more paintings, but I think I have made you yawn enough already!
Life has been kind to me and mine. I am grateful for each day.
"If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart, then in living I have made my mark." ~Thomas L. Odem, Jr.
Run your fingers through my soul~
Ah Niki! I've enjoyed viewing your paintings and I wonder ... could you find a way to share them more often? :) You are missed and while we all write in our journals for ourselves, it is also nice to share and invite others in (or out as need be).
I know you are sad at the loss of Patrick, but I do think the good friend you are will help his family get through this time too. Hugs.
I have so much to say, but not sure I can. First, of COURSE they are all of significance...if for no other reason than their importance to you. Second, you are brilliant. I love your work...all of it. From the tiny tiny ones to the magnificent pink building. Oh, and I see the purple loud and clear in the sky. AND I happen to find sea horses beyond well as the beloved mermaid (perhaps my favorite of them all).
Please keep posting...and thanks to Mary! ; )
Nancy P
I cannot wrap myself around your thinking that your current life & work is not interesting or significant. Don't be the girl who pulls out the picture of herself when she was 25, only she is 85 now, & FINALLY realizes how very beautiful she was. ~Mary
Oh you captured the pink palace beautifully. I've done weddings and bridal shows there, it is a grand old lady pretty in pink. Your art is very good. I also love the painter within the painter ... love, Sandi
Hey Nickki~You are just getting better and better! I love the seahorse and the mermaid. True, I love all things ocean-related--but your paintings in particular are special and beautiful! ;-) Deb
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