Thursday, September 15, 2005


Judith Heartsong holds a monthly contest, which brings out the creativity of so many people in AOL's journal world. She states the topic for the participants in her journal, and she allows each person to address it in whatever manner best befits him or her. It is delightful to read each of the entries, as well as being a challenge to one's self. For further information about this contest, her link is September's anniversary edition of the Artsy Essay Contest. This is my September entry that asked, "If you could be any animal on earth..."





Anonymous said...

loved this. I had a lop-earred rabbit named Cadberry in Florida... who had the run of the house when we were home and was litter-trained. He also had a...... errrr.... stuffed bunny 'friend' that he adored (if you know what I mean). Very original entry!:):):) judi

Anonymous said...

i love this entry!!!  you were both light and witty, grins, Debra

Anonymous said...

Fun, surprising, and GREAT gif!  Terrific job!

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Very fun to read!  Nice.

Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable, makes me what to be a bunny too.  You have wonderful talent.  Way to go.  Yea!
