Tuesday, November 8, 2005



John Scalzi has a "Monday Photo Shoot" assignment in his By The Way journal for those wishing to participate. This week's theme was "Before and After" photographs. In his words, "Your Monday Photo Shoot: Do "Before and After" photos on any subject you like. The idea is to show change over a bit of time. Some easy ideas would be haircuts, cleaned-up rooms, kittens growing up into cats, and etc. And yes, this means you can dip into your collection of old photos (they certainly qualify as "before")."

I thought the possibilities were endless. A million things ran through my mind that would certainly qualify as before and after. I finally settled on a sketch I drew that became a painting. While I am not overly thrilled with this particular painting, it was my first time to sketch nudes. It was also the first time I used a technique where you ink the lines after you pencil them...THEN fill in the areas with watercolors. It was a fun and different thing for me to try.

Here is the pencil sketch (the BEFORE):

And here is the finished ink and watercolor painting (the AFTER):

Yuck. Having to resize it to fit nicely in this journal seems to make it look bluckier than it did before.Oh well. At least you get the gist of the before and after!

"I was leafing through a magazine where there was a before-and-after picture of a woman who went from a size 5 to a size 3 by liposuction. Was she serious? I've cooked bigger turkeys than her "before" picture." ~Erma Bombeck



Anonymous said...

Your drawing is beautiful...you are an excellent artist.  I would frame that and hang it on my wall...

Anonymous said...

Your nudes are wonderful! You are so very talented my dear!
And I loved the thought-provoking moment! But why am I not a success by now?
Love my snow globe Santa! You are the sweetest thing:):)

Anonymous said...

Even your early artwork is good!  I like the water color of the nudes.  Your previous entry about your birthday and your Dad was very touching.  Happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think it's fabulous!  I used to be able to create art with my hands, but gave it up, long ago.  I'm all digital now baby!  Maybe I'll find my way back to the paper.


Anonymous said...

I likey likey.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a beautiful sketch- and painting.  I have a few 'before and after' pics of my own.  I'm thinking high school graduation here.  Scary!


Anonymous said...

Great entry and great art work; so sensuous and gentle! xox Sassy


Anonymous said...

I think I actually like the 'before' sketch better...   very nice.  

Erma Bombeck...  lordie I love that woman.  She is a real treasure missed.  ~Sie